Approach Architecture Studio Office Design


The office is converted from a typical high-rise office tower unit. The limited space challenges lofty spatial concepts. In order to create simple but unique workshop environment, we experimented different material selections and surface finishing of this interior design project.

Project Name: Approach Architecture Studio Office design

Location: Beijing

Client: Approach Architecture Studio

Architect: Liang Jingyu, Gu Wei

Project Team: Gu Wei, Lu Qiong, Jae Jiang, Jelena Milanovic

Structure and Material:

Building Area: 250 sqm.

Cost: 200,000 RMB

Design Period: June 2006 to September 2006

Construction Period: August 2006 to September 2006

以下出品方的其他项目 Approach Architecture Studio

Iberia Centre for Contemporary Art
Beijing, 中国
Yangmeizhuxiejie Street
Beijing, 中国
Dashilar Urban Revitalization
Beijing, 中国
Wuyong Useless Space
Beijing, 中国
Maogong Barn Art Center
Qiandongnan Region, 中国