German Pavilion Expo 2020

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2021

German Pavilion design embodies message of sustainability LAVA’s design of the German Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai is an ensemble of susp...

Ecokid Kindergarten

Vinh, Vietnam, 2019

The design of a new eco-kindergarten features spaces encouraging curiosity, activity-based learning and interaction with nature for the n...

Bayreuth Youth Hostel

Bayreuth, 2017

It’s the new generation of youth hostels - international, innovative and integrative. LAVA’s concept for the sports hostel located in B...

Philips Lighting Headquarters

Eindhoven, Nederland, 2016

Golden light shines through a canopy of leaves to create a unique gathering space in the atrium of the new Philips Lighting headquarters ...

Nanxing Offices

Nanxing, China, 2012

The exterior of the office building features stone to avoid light pollution. The transition between the building and the urban area was a...

Modernisation of the Berchtesgaden Youth Hostel

Bischofswiesen, 2011

The project began as a study to investigate the general design of youth hostels; the individual hostel in Berchtesgaden; and the developm...

Future Hotel Showcase - Hotel Room Prototype

Duisburg, 2008

LAVA recently joined the research project ‘Future Hotel' led by the Fraunhofer Institute. In this project, the academic partners from Fra...