
Paris, France, 2018

Mit fast sieben Millionen Besuchern pro Jahr ist der Eiffelturm eines der meistbesuchten Monumente der Welt. Die jüngsten Terroranschläge...

Novartis Campus Park

Basel, Switzerland, 2016

Geological maps of the Basel area expose a hidden landscape: The Rhine Valley, formed by glaciers and rivers  – nowadays overl...

Athletes Village

London, Great Britain, 2012

The Stratford City development was initially conceived in 2002 as a development and urban regeneration project on the former Stratford Ra...

Allianz Arena

Munich, 2005

Designing the surroundings of the New Stadium on this site meant building an entire landscape. The theme and pictures of this design are ...

Tate Modern

London, Great Britain, 2001

The new landscape of the Tate Modern Gallery works with nature and is about nature, with the river and about the river: Its tides, its co...