digitalBAU 2022 – Guided Tour Evy Slabbinck

Digital thinking and designing the future

 "Currently the building industry is facing some tough challenges. The ongoing urbanisation demands huge quantities of new housing and infrastructure in inner cities, but the construction industry is stuck in the past and failed to grow and innovate at the necessary pace and lacks a profitable, high productive prospect. While in other economic sectors, labour productivity has been growing for years at astonishing rates (+90% in Germany’s non-building industry since 1991) and partially makes up for the shortage of skilled labour. The sector of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) on the other hand, is dramatically lagging behind and has not yet managed to benefit substantially from the digital revolution. At the same time another urgent problem occurs regarding a sustainable future and reducing global carbon emissions. The building construction is responsible for an approximate 11% of the annual global greenhouse gas emissions. It’s important to take up responsibility and strive for renewable-low carbon building materials, timber construction is the future!“
Evy Slabbinck, Project Development Design-to-Production

Evy Slabbinck, Design-to-Production, Zurich |
Wednesday, 01. June, 12:00 - 13:30
Meeting point hall 4
Tour in english language

Die Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen erkennt die Vorträge als Fortbildung an. Die Vorträge und Guided Tours werden von der Architektenkammer Hessen als Fortbildung anerkannt, für Mitglieder der Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg gilt dies entsprechend der Regelung unter Punkt 2, Absatz 2 der Fort- und Weiterbildungsordnung ebenso. Fortbildungszertifikate werden vor Ort vergeben.

More information

© Design-to-Production
1 June 2022, 12:00 to 13:30
Koelnmesse - Hallen 1 und 4
50679 Köln
digitalBAU 2022
