PUCH - Housing Puchsbaumgasse
Wien, Austria, zweistufiger Wettbewerb 2017/2018 | 1. Rang, Baubeginn 2022
The direct as well as further spatial and social context forms the basis for the plot of land, which is located at the edge of the Ankerb...
EUR - Village in 3rd district - Housing…
Wien, Austria, Wettbewerb 2021 | 1. Rang, Baubeginn 2022
What is one of the key successes of living? The potential to form communities. This is what the STADTREGAL stands for! The STADTREG...
APO - Wohnbau Apollogasse
Wien, Austria, Wettbewerb 2020 | 1. Rang, Fertigstellung 2022
Bright rooms, comfort and elegance are the focus of this project. The draft proposes a maximum evaluation of the property in Apollogasse ...
ATT - Red Emma, wood-hybrid housing with…
Wien, Austria, Wettbewerb 2020 | 1. Rang, Baubeginn 2022
The Red Emma is a potato cultivar. Inspired by its red-skinned namesake, which used to be cultivated on these grounds, the concept of the...
WLC - Lebenscampus Wolfganggasse
Wien, Austria, Wettbewerb 2018 | 1. Rang
The “Lebenscampus Wolfganggasse”, a residential complex consisting of four buildings, will be realized on the approximately 8,700 m² buil...
SCHÖN - Housing Schönbrunnerstraße
Wien, Austria, Projektstart 2021, Baubeginn 2022
The bright, light-flooded apartments face both Schönbrunner Strasse and Wienzeile and impress with their generous glazing. All of the 60 ...
BER - Housing Berresgasse
Wien, Austria, Baubeginn 2021
The project Ber – Housing Berresgasse is located directly on the Hirschstetten bathing pond and forms the gateway to the new Berresgasse ...
BENE - Housing Benedikt
Wien, Austria, 2022
The new residential building in the Zieglergasse with an effective area space of 1.646 m² packed in 28 apartments on 8 floors is located ...
KAI100 - Housing Handelskai
Wien, Austria, 2022
The multi-part building with 404 residential units as well as additional commercial and office space is located directly on Handelskai, i...
GOLD - Housing Goldberg
Wien, Austria, 2020
The project sets itself the task to provide all age groups a differentiated housing offer on the green outskirts of the city. The housing...
ASP J3D - Housing + Kindergarten Aspern…
Wien, Austria, 2019
In this design, an innovative building complex forms a new element of Seestadt Aspern with 77 residential units, a kindergarten and a gre...
STEIG - Hotel Steigenberger
Krems, Austria, 2019
In response to the cutting edge, the new part of the building begins and develops the existing building along the slope lines until it ge...
PAZ - Housing Pazmanitengasse
Wien, Austria, 2019
In the street named after the former Meierhof of the Pazmaniten in Leopoldstadt near Volkertmarkt, a residential complex with 50 housing ...
ÖDEN - Housing Ödenburger Straße
Wien, Austria, 2018
On the former industrial and commercial spaces at Ödenburger Straße in Floridsdorf, a residential complex with 67 housing units and an un...
FON - Housing and Kindergarten Fontanastrasse
Wien, Austria, 2018
The in the cooperative treatment developed green strap is lead on in this project. In the southeast of the building the green space is cu...
JOP - Housing Johann Ort-Platz
Wien, Austria, 2018
The specific design creates an identity: The classic single-family house in the green with a gable roof and shutters is cited and interpr...
HEAD - BWSG Headquarter
Wien, Austria, 2018
In addition to a work environment which clearly conveys the corporate philosophy, an environment defining a sense of identity stands at t...
VILLA K. - Single-Family Home at the seaside
Kreta, Greece, 2017
A private Residence will be built around the southest harbour of Europe, with a view of the Libian Sea. On the plot, which is formed by r...
WOLF - Housing Wolfshof
Wien, Austria, 2016
The building complex “Wolfshof” consists of two new buildings, a renovated wing, as well as an existing building, which is going to be ne...
HOWA - Residential Hohe Warte
Wien, Austria, 2016
The property is located on one of the last foothills of the so called “Wienerwald” in a traditional residential area, which was built aro...
SWE - Health Resort Wildbad
Austria, 2015
The Wildbad Einöd health spa and treatment center is the oldest spa in Styria. The health spa of the Sisters of the Teutonic Order is emb...
NOUVEAU NIVEAU - Wohnbau Gerasdorfer Straße
Wien, Austria, 2015
The architecture was developed consistently under the guiding themes of social sustainability and residential security, and together with...
SCG - Social Center for Assisted Living
Graz, Austria, 2015
On the spacious parc grounds of Congregation of the Mission a centrally-located nursing home and a house for assisted living with a paris...
COPA - Copa Cagrana kilometer 12,5
Wien, Austria, 2015
To enable a sustainable redesign of the Copa Cagrana (situated on the New Danube near the Reichsbrücke at „Stromkilometer 12.5“), which i...
TRAIS - Social Center Traiskirchen
Traiskirchen, Austria, 2015
The nursing home with three dementia stations offers a personalized and high quality concept. The sensitive design and friendly atmospher...
KAMP - Office Building Kampichler
Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 2015
The office building of the firm Kampichler, an establishment for the processing of natural stone, comprises a large, existing hall with o...
UNI - Housing Universumstrasse
Wien, Austria, 2014
Living in the Universe The residential building with fifty apartments, primarily investment units, was cut to fit precisely into the n...
PASSAGE - Karlsplatz Culture Passage
Wien, Austria, 2013
On the basis of an architectural competition called throughout EU, the Karlsplatz Passageway and landmarked Opera Passageway have been re...
ENERGIE - Operations building Wien Energie
Vienna, Austria, 2012
The building functions as the new support base for Wien Energie Stromnetz (the local electricity provider in Vienna) and serves the north...
W37 - Housing Wurmbstraße
Wien, Austria, 2011
This low-energy residential building project with ten privately financed condominiums and an office space and shop was realized as a dire...
MÜHL - Generations | Housing Mühlgrund
Wien, Austria, 2011
Flexibility in housing requirements through pluralization of life styles. The straight, three-story building volume with partially cantil...
CZART - Single-Family Home | Conversion
Wien, Austria, 2011
Andreas and Gerda Gerner gutted the structure, to the extent that the statics allowed, and smoothened the building’s external envelope (…...
PÖT - Extension single familiy house
Pöttelsdorf, Austria, 2011
The two individual buildings of the ensemble from 1867 should be recombined as a single unit and offer contemporary living space for a fa...
JSG - Residential building Jagdschlossgasse
Vienna, Austria, 2011
Reinterpretation of the classical „Stadtvilla” – gerner°gerner plus architects realized this low...
BOMB - Bombardier housing project
Vienna, Austria, 2011
Until a few years ago rail vehicles were built on the premises of the bombardier factory in Vienna´s 21st district. Then, the exten...
WERITAS - Visitor and Wine Center
Kirchberg am Wagram, Austria, 2009
With wine shop, bar and restaurant, the Weritas is the center of the Austrian wine region “Wagram”. The main structure of the building...
SCHUKO - Housing Schukowitzgasse
Wien, Austria, 2009
The government-funded residential complex on Schukowitzgasse emerged from a direct commission. On a property of more than 17,000 m², only...
TRIATH - Multifunctional Gallery
Grenzach-Wyhlen, 2008
(…) Grenzach-Wyhlen is a German border town, not far from Basel. The young clients dream of establishing a little art scene there in the ...
ZENTRUM KAGRAN - Urban Planning Expert…
Wien, Austria, 2008
The relevant building areas are located in a heterogeneous urban setting. The design’s infrastructure concept connects them by means of a...
BUTT - Buttazoni Headquarter
Himmelberg, Austria, 2008
For generations, the Buttazoni steel construction and montage company plant has been located in Himmelberg in Carinthia, near the Nockber...
HEUTE - Boxes for Newspapers
Wien, Graz, Linz, St. Pölten, Austria, 2007
Simple handling, rapid assembly and equally rapid removal were the current requirements for Andreas and Gerda Maria Gerner. In order to e...
THU - Residential building Thürnlhof-West
Wien, Austria, 2007
(…) Drawing from Le Corbusier’s great Unités d’Habitation, one can actually speak of a machine. The apartments all have access to a free ...
POTT - Wohnbau Pottendorfer Straße
Wien, Austria, 2006
Ein Wohnhaus sollte es werden, durch die Mieteinnahmen wollte man den Betrieb des eigenen Geschäftslokals im Parterre finanzieren. Dieses...
Residential building
Vienna, Austria, 2006
A wide ramp pierces into the house. One stands between two building parts, in the midst of an urban ravine, somehow reminiscent of the na...
KAI - Residential building Kaiserstrasse
Vienna, Austria, 2005
... [A]n invited competition was called for a new building; gerner°gerner plus won with a subtly differentiated structural formation. A s...
ALM - Community centre
Oberalm, Austria, 2005
The project was the result of an EU-wide competition. The community center, together with the front square of the adjacent bank, forms a ...
HILL - Hillinger Winery
Jois, Austria, 2004
As a whole, the Hillinger winery forms a symbiosis of landscape, viticulture, and architecture. For the architects, a particular appeal i...
RÜCKGRAT - Single-Family Home | Addition
Feldkirchen, Austria, 2002
(…) The clients still had a vacation home in Feldkirch from the old days, but it had meanwhile become too small to live in year-round. Th...
SUED.SEE - Single family house
Jois, Austria, 2002
The construction is located along a south-western slope and its width is completely open diagonally, southwards to the lake. The northern...
ZUCK - Office Addition
Oberpullendorf, Austria, 2000
The construction skeleton comprises four bowed steel frames, reinforced by an a-shaped support. The ground floor is cloaked with glass an...